Leave a gift
in your Will

Imagine a world without poverty.

A gift in your Will to Ethiopiaid acts as a lasting safeguard for the future. Each generation can grow up healthier and happier, with greater access to the things that matter— education, healthcare and dignity.

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What kind of world do you want to create?

A nurse in the surgery room - a gift in your Will to charity can train more nurses and improve healthcare in Ethiopia

A world of health

Your gift can bring good health to the most isolated parts of Ethiopia. Maybe you'd like to train up a class of midwives, or teach a whole community about the dangers of female genital mutilation, or sponsor a rural health clinic. You can be the catalyst for better health and wellbeing.


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Young Ethiopian girl holding a book in classroom - a gift in your Will to charity can improve education opportunity in Ethiopia

A world of education

Your gift can give every person the chance to learn. From children living on the streets, to girls forced to drop out because they lack sanitary supplies, to young adults struggling to get a foot in the door - you can be their stepping stone for a strong, independent and educated future.


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A young woman in a sewing job - a gift in your Will to charity can open up economic opportunities for women

A world of opportunity

Your gift can uplift and inspire women. It can mean women receive training in farming, small business, maternal health and financial management. It can mean the difference between a hungry child and a fed child. And it will change these women and children's lives forever. 


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The impact a gift in your Will can have

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A passionate teacher and beloved wife and grandmother, Mollie's legacy will live on forever in the Mollie Robbins Kindergarten. 

Mollie Robbins was a passionate teacher who cared deeply about women and children getting an education, no matter where they’re from.

Sadly, Mollie passed away in 2016. But her family made a bequest in her name so that her legacy will live on forever.

The Mollie Robbins Kindergarten is currently being built in the rural town of Semera, Ethiopia. It's giving children a safe place to learn and grow so they can have the best start possible in life.

Mollie’s legacy will change the future for the next generation of kids in Ethiopia.

Imagine what yours could do.

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Would you like some more information?

Resources 1 step-by-step guide on how to leave a gift in your Will to charity

All in one guide

Everything you need in one download-able document! Inside you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to leave a gift in your Will to charity, a summary on the different types of gifts and FAQs.



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Resource 2 suggested legal wording for your gift in Will to charity

Just the legal wording

If all you need is the legal wording, here is our suggested legal wording on how to leave a gift in your Will to Ethiopiaid Australia. Remember it’s always a good idea to seek independent legal advice.



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Resources 3 inspirational booklet on impact of leaving money to charity in Will

Your impact in Ethiopia

Want to know more about the lasting impact your gift could have Ethiopia? You can get in touch with us to receive your FREE impact booklet in the mail. 


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How to leave a gift in your Will to charity

Leaving money to charity in your Will is a very personal decision. If this is something you are considering, here is a step-by-step guide to get you started.
By leaving money to charity in your Will you can help women and children across Ethiopia

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1. Think about what issues you most care about. Is children’s education close to your heart? Or mother’s healthcare, or even equal opportunity?

2. Make note of the legal charity name, address and registered charity number to make sure there’s no ambiguity when it comes time to include your charity.

  • Legal charitable name: Ethiopiaid Australia Foundation
  • Address: Level 3, 484 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia
  • Registration number/ABN: 78821615548

3. There are different types of gifts you can leave in your Will. Consider which is right for you: Residual, Percentage/Fractional, Pecuniary/Specific or even a Whole Estate.

4. Look up your charity’s preferred wording for making a gift in your Will. See our guide here >

5. Discuss your decision with your family and loved ones. This will ensure they understand and support your reasons for choosing to help your charity in such a powerful way.

6. Let us know if you’ve thought of us in your Will. At Ethiopiaid, we would value the chance to thank you personally and discuss how you’d like your bequest to be used.

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Special offer

Write your Will online for free

We are proud to partner with Gathered Here, Australia’s most-trusted end-of-life services site, to offer our supporters a free online Will.

Gathered Here makes it simpler and easier for you to protect the people you care about and make important preparations for the future. In just 10 minutes, you can create your custom Will online.

If the time is right for you, please feel welcome to take advantage of our partnership with Gathered Here and write your Will online for free.

After you’ve taken care of your loved ones, you may also wish to leave a gift to Ethiopiaid Australia. Did you know, even a gift of 1% of your estate can have huge impact for people in Ethiopia, one of the poorest and most vulnerable countries on Earth? 


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Types of gifts you can leave in your Will


Leave a gift in your Will to charity - Residual gift

Residual gift

When you leave the remainder of your Estate to charity after you’ve taken care of your loved ones and paid out any other financial commitments. One of the most common gifts. 

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Leave a gift in your Will to charity - Percentage or fractional gift


When you leave a percentage or fraction of your Estate (for example, 2%) to charity. This is a fluid amount that can change based on inflation, property value and changes to your Estate over time.

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Leave a gift in your Will to charity - Pecuniary or specific gift


When you nominate a specific monetary amount or specific item to give. This could come from your bank account,
from selling assets such as
property or shares, or by bequesing a specific item/s.

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Leave a gift in your Will to charity - Whole estate

Whole estate

When you give your entire Estate/everything you own to charity. For some, this is because their loved ones don't need the money; and others choose this because their family have already departed. 

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Include A Charity supporter badge
Proud partners with Include A Charity, a national campaign to provide clear information on gifts in Wills and allow more Australians to make their mark.

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Get in touch   

03 9864 6060

Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm

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“I would urge people to leave a bequest in their Will. It is not difficult. You don’t have to
leave a massive amount, you can just leave whatever you can afford. I certainly did. 
"If you think about what your legacy can do after you’ve gone, it’s just continuing to
support something you believe in."


Paul, on his decision to leave a gift in his Will to Ethiopiaid

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More ways to get involved

Donate monthly

Be there each month for children and women, and help create positive, lasting change in their lives.

Host a fundraiser

Make a difference in Ethiopia and make some fun! The sky's the limit when you host a fundraiser.

Set up workplace giving

Is workplace giving right for you? Cut out the red tape with a small donation from your pre-tax paycheck. 

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