Statement from our CEO in response to violence in Tigray November 2020

Dear Ethiopiaid Supporters,

I want to keep you updated on a current situation unfolding in Ethiopia.

We are receiving reports of violent clashes between former political party and armed liberation movement, the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Ethiopian federal army.

In the last two years since the pro-democracy and pro-equality federal government came into power, there have been rising ethnic tensions. It is reported that some ethnic groups, the Tigray People Liberation Front included, feel threatened by the broader, unifying agenda of the new government, which they feel displaces their own ethnic priorities and right to self-rule.

A few days ago, this escalated into violent clashes between the TPLF and the federal army. The TPLF attempted to attack and rob a military base and the government responded by sending in the army to stabilise the region and imposing a 6-month state of emergency.

I am saddened and deeply concerned by these events.

The federal government’s democratic principles are still fledgling. There remain ethnic grievances and periodic flare-ups of violence across the country, even as Ethiopia contends with the coronavirus and its substantial impact on health and economy.

I want to assure you that your donations for women, children and communities in Ethiopia have not been affected by the situation in Tigray.

Ethiopiaid Australia does not currently send funding to any projects in Tigray, although we have in years passed. Our current project partners who are active in other regions of Ethiopia report that the work you support is able to continue as planned.

I am closely monitoring the situation and will, of course, keep you updated with news.

I speak for Ethiopiaid Australia and all our project partners in Ethiopia when I say that I hope there will be a swift and peaceful resolution.

Reports from the media suggest the rest of the country stands with the federal government and wants peace and stability in Tigray.

Our thoughts are with all of our partners and the people of Ethiopia.

Please feel welcome to contact me if you would like more information: or 03 9093 8056.

To health and hope ahead.

Sharon Elliott CEO Ethiopiaid Australia

Sharon Elliott
Ethiopiaid Australia