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There is only one radiation therapy machine in the whole of Ethiopia. One machine for a population of over 110 million. To this day, awareness of hospice and palliative care is low and access is severely limited, especially outside the cities.
Many people wracked with cancer or HIV don’t know what’s happening to them. The wealthy may go abroad for treatment, but the majority of people die in pain and without dignity.
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We work alongside one of only two non-government palliative care providers in the whole of Ethiopia to improve the quality of life for terminally ill patients and improve nation-wide access to palliative care. Here’s how:
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40-year-old, mother of four Azeb had been battling cervical cancer for years. When our project partners found her, she was in severe pain, unable to walk or to sit up, with a maggot infestation at the site of her tumour.
Azeb says the medical and financial help she got from Hospice Ethiopia was enormous:
Hospice Ethiopia is working tirelessly to increase access to and awarenss of this vital service in Ethiopia.
Through them, you can help reach even more people like Azeb and bring back peace and dignity for those living in darkness.
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Hospice Ethiopia was established in 2003. Along with their patient and family member support, they work to create greater awareness about the existence and benefits of palliative care by training health professionals, encouraging referrals to hospice care from general health clinics and sharing research in palliative care across Ethiopia.
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