Child exploitation and homelessness

Safeguarding children's futures.

Our aim. To equip vulnerable and orphaned children in Ethiopia for a safer, brighter future free from hunger, disease and exploitation.

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The challenge today

Ethiopia has one of the highest orphan rates in the world. Right now, one in eight Ethiopian children have lost one or both of their parents, one-third live in poverty and about one in 17 children die before the age of 5.

Without guardians or stable homes, children and youth lack the means to stay in school. Many have nowhere to turn but the streets where they fall prey to sexual exploitation and child labour. Girls face further threat of child trafficking; sometimes sold by their parents for money or snatched from the street for sex work.

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The solution you can be part of

We’re working alongside project partners in some of Ethiopia’s poorest areas to give immediate aid for orphaned, homeless, trafficked and impoverished children, improve their future prospects and address the gaps in social services to stop kids falling through the cracks.

  • Giving homeless, orphaned or abused children a stable home for as long as they need, while working to reunify trafficked children back with their families if safe

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  • Ensuring every child has access to quality education by subsidising the cost of school supplies, offering sponsorships for high school students about to drop out, plus refurbishing schools in need

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  • Ensuring kids from destitute homes have proper nutrition by providing free breakfasts, building school veggie gardens and teaching parents about nourishment

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  • Equipping unemployed youth with skill development, entrepreneurship and seed money to kick-start their career or small business

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See the solution in action

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Within mere hours of receiving the news of this outbreak, we were able to send emergency funds to APDA to help them contain 

“The love I got here I will never forget.”

When Hanna’s mum passed away, she had nowhere to go but the streets. A lack of social services means her home city of Gondar has some of the highest orphan and homelessness rates in Ethiopia.

Hanna was just 15 years old. She spent three months trying to find work while being stalked by child labourers.

Thankfully, she was found by project partners Yenege Tesfa and brought to their group children’s home.

One year on, Hanna has a safe and loving home, friends her own age and a new-found love of reading and history. But more than that, Hanna’s now set on a new course for life; a productive and resilient course that will carry on to the next generation.

This is how you can protect vulnerable children and equip them for a stronger, safer future. 

Two young Ethiopian girls with arms around each other holding their school books

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Meet your project partners   


Yenege Tesfa
'Hope for Tomorrow'

Yenege Tesfa

Meaning ‘Hope for Tomorrow’, Yenege Tesfa are there for the most marginalised in society. They offer group homes for homeless children, run mobile schools for kids on the street, sponsor disadvantaged students, fund free medical services, and run agricultural livelihood programs for single mothers.


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Jerusalem Children & Community Development Organisation

Jerusalem Children & Community Development Organisation

Established in 1985, the Jerusalem Children & Community Development Organisation (JeCCDO) adopt a child and community-based approach to provide access to basic services, increase opportunities for kids and youth through education and skills training, and improve community development and quality of life.


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Make your impact

Donate today to help a equip an orphaned child like Hanna for a safer, brighter future.

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